Friday, 22 March 2013

April 20th - a day of Co-operative Training & Policy, Lambeth Town Hall

Interested in standing as a candidate in Waltham Forest in 2014?
Interested in trying for Coop Party sponsorship? (you can be a member of both the Labour Party and the Coop party)
The invitation is for Coop members, but you can still join - scroll down and find more details and the link
London Co-operative Party

Training and Policy

Saturday 20 April 2013 
Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RW
Morning: Co-operative Councillor & Candidate/ Activist Workshop for 2014 :
10 AM Start.
Afternoon: National Co-operative Party Policy Discussion – London Forum
2:30 PM Start


Dear Fellow Co-operators,

You are invited to a day of Co-operative Training and Policy at Lambeth Town Hall on Saturday 20th April.

This is a key moment for the London Party as we prepare candidates for the 2014 Council elections and policy for the Borough Council elections and the General Election in 2015.

Please register as early as possible for these free events, hosted by the London Co-operative Party

As you will have seen, the London Co-operative Party has tightened our membership system this year and consequently we have 'lapsed' members who we do not have a payment record for (who actually pay locally by cash or cheque or who have a direct debit in place). We are therefore asking everyone to sign up to pay by Direct Debit. You can download the form here

Yours in Co-operation

Timothy Godfrey
Secretary, London Co-operative Party



Saturday 20 April 2013

Venue: Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RW
Morning:  Co-operative Councillor & Candidate/ Activist Workshop for 2014 :
10 AM Start.
Afternoon:  National Co-operative Party Policy Discussion – London Forum
2:30 PM Start
Co-operative Councillors & Candidate/Activist Workshop for Borough Elections 2014

Purpose of Morning:
To create greater understanding of cooperative economy and public service provision, and how application of Co-operative ideas can be made relevant to London Borough elections and subsequent Labour and Co-operative Council programmes.


Draft Programme
Time  /  Topic  /  Speaker

10.00 AM    Introduction   Clive Fraser, Chair of the London Co-operative Party

10: 15 AM The Cooperative Council  Network Cllr Lib Peck, Leader Lambeth Councillor.
10: 45 AM Cooperative Solutions for Care Dr Guy Turnbull – Care and Share Associates
11: 20 AM 4  X Workshops on Cooperative Public Service solutions
• Cooperative Trust Schools
• Cooperative Housing
• Cooperative Care
• Cooperative Energy Speakers to be confirmed
12.10  PM 4 X Workshops on Cooperative Public Service solutions
• Cooperative Trust Schools
• Cooperative Housing
• Cooperative Care
• Cooperative Energy Re – run of workshops to allow attendees to participate two workshops.
1:00 PM    Feed back from workshops/ next steps
1.30  PM  Lunch – a range of local restaurants, sandwich bars and cafes are available

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