Thursday, 4 September 2014

Trial closure of Orford Road (retail stretch) public meeting 15 Sept, Asian Centre, 7pm

Councillor for Hoe St ward Saima Mahmud writes:

"I’m sure you've heard about the Mini Holland funding that the Council has successfully secured to make it safer and easier for cyclists and pedestrians to use our roads.

A significant amount of the funding will be used to address the huge rat-run problem that is affecting roads such as Orford Road, Grove Road and Pembroke Road. The Council is exploring different options and have decided to trial a closure of Orford Road (the retail stretch of Orford Road) to see if it is something that residents would like to see happen permanently. The trial period will be from 26th September until 13th October 2014.

The Council has organised a public meeting to be held on Monday, 15th September 7-9pm at the Asian Centre, 18A Orford Rd, London E17 9LN. This will be an opportunity for residents to learn more about the trial and the aims of the trial – to create a better environment for cyclists and pedestrians. We believe that a knock-on effect would be greater footfall in the area and this could only help to boost the local economy."

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