Thursday, 5 February 2015

Health slogans for twitter - from Andy Burnham's 10 year plan

The Socialist Health Association has been analysing Andy Burnham's recent announcements about what he would do if he were in charge of the NHS. From it the SHA has produced some tweet length bullet points - as below. It has also posted Andy Burnham's Ten Year plan for Health and Care if you wish to read the full text (and maybe create your own tweets), and the text of his speech on 27 January. (As SHA say - "For people who understand the NHS his speech is actually more interesting than the plan.")

Possible tweets about the Government record on health: 
  • England’s GP to Patient ratio has worsened by 4% as population increases and unfilled GP vacancies grow
  • GPs spend cash more efficiently than any other part of the NHS. It is sheer folly that the Tories have delivered a real terms funding cut of £987m to GPs
  • 4 million A&E patients have been keep waiting more than 4 hours under the Tories since Cameron became PM, a near tripling on a weekly basis
  • The number of emergency operations cancelled for a second time has climbed 42% in the most recent year compared to 2010-11
  • 3.2million patients are currently languishing on NHS Waiting Lists for treatment. This year’s figures are the highest in at least 6 years
  • There are almost 137,900 Zero Hours Contracts in the Health & Social Care Sector. These contracts have more than tripled (up 270%) since 2010
  • Jeremy Hunt has subjected the majority of NHS Nurses to a real terms pay cut over 4 years. Nurses’ pay has declined £2,000 in real terms. It is unacceptable that bankers’ pay now grows six times faster than nurses
  • Private Firms have been invited to bid for NHS contracts with a value of more than £16bn. On average, these firms say they will make a profit of between 5-8%.
  • 33%, 56% or 70% of NHS Contracts tendered are now being won by the private sector depending on which data you read
  • Private Patient Income at NHS Trusts has grown by 12% (£50m) from 2010-2013. We have no official data thereafter but some Trusts have reported an increase of up to 40% from PPI.
  • In 2009-10 the NHS spent £1.1bn Agency Staff. That has risen to £3.2bn for 2011-12, £3.9bn for 2012-13 and £2.9bn for 2013-14
  • In 2009-10 £13m was spent by the NHS on redundancy pay-outs. That figure jumped to £211m in 2010-11 and £426m in 2011-2 It was £444m in 2012-3 and a further £196m in 2013-14
  • ¼ of NHS Trusts are now in deficit. 44 new trusts moved into deficit in 2013-14. The total deficit for NHS Trust more than doubled from £297m to £743m in 2013-4
  • 1,876 Mental Illness Beds have been axed in little since Q1 2010. At least 7 mental health patients have taken their own lives as a result
  • There has been a 311,000 cut in the number of adults in receipt of Social Care since 2010
  • Elderly users of Social Care are paying £588 more for care than they were in 2010. Some outlets argue the rise has been even higher at £2,400
  • Social Care funding for nursing homes, residential care and community care has been cut by £160m, £331 and £559 respectively from 2010 to 2013. Further cuts are still to come
  • In 2014, 42% of Maternity Units shut their doors to the public at least once. This is an increase from 28% in 2012

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