At this event we will be discussing the second reading of the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill which took place in parliament yesterday and the proposed amendments to this legislation. You can find the details of the amendments which have been proposed to date- there are now over 100 of them- online including the 87 that I have already co-signed.
This event is your opportunity to hold me to account for how I voted yesterday at the second reading and contribute to the work I do at the 'Committee Stage' of this legislation, where due to the limited amount of time that the Government has allocated to this process only a small number of these amendments will be selected for consideration.
All Walthamstow residents and Walthamstow Labour Party members are welcome to attend this event, and please note this event is only for Walthamstow residents so I would be grateful if you could not share these details with non residents. So too, if you wish to bring other residents with you please do let us know so we can ensure we have enough materials for all attendees.
Don't forget -
RSVP for the full venue details
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